Nine Essentials for Explosive Practice Growth

Being mentored by Dr. Shannon gives you a unique opportunity to work one-on-one with someone who has been where you are and currently uses the most successful practice-building strategies in her own office every day. Since 1999, her private practice has been the lab for testing, expanding, and perfecting these systems.
The practice growth you will experience is a given! What Dr. Shannon is also most highly recommended for is her ability as a coach to lift you up, raise your confidence, and support you in a way that is unmatched in her field. Her genuine enthusiasm for your success will be obvious the first time you meet her!
Shannon has been described by her clients as: empowering, positive, electric, engaging, down-to-earth, and “the woman who walks her talk”. She will support you in a way that encourages you to implement, stay focused, and realize the personal and professional life you deserve. Whether you are a brand new doctor or have many years in the field and are ready to take your success to the next level, Dr. Shannon and her team are here to help!
Coaching Programs
"One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals."Michael KordaThis program was created to accelerate your practice referrals quickly with personal one-on-one coaching, taking you step-by-step through the proven processes that will consistently have you attracting your ideal patients and allow your practice to market itself.
Focusing on both internal and external referral strategies, this program will provide you with tools you can start using immediately for consistent practice growth.
This program includes:
A Personalized Practice Growth Evaluation One-on-One Weekly Coaching Calls that focus on:
- Establishing the top 5 referral techniques that bring you the best outcomes.
- Identifying and Implementing your top 10 internal and external marketing campaigns.
- Developing your "Critical 90" – the steps you will take in a patient’s first 90 days that turn them into a lifelong customer.
- Strategizing your marketing message to ensure you are marketing to your ideal patient in the right way, at the right time.
Weekly email courses that expand on all coaching concepts.
A 6-Month Personalized Production Calendar detailing your marketing campaigns with step-by-step instructions
There are many opportunities in your practice to put your patients in the referral mindset and also to encourage their retention, most notably in your initial paperwork and your Report of Findings. Therefore, as a bonus for joining Dr. Shannon in this 90-Day adventure, you will also receive:
- Report of Findings Critique
- Initial Paperwork Critique
- One Critique of Your External Marketing Materials
Amp up your practice with this extensive coaching program that literally holds your hand through the step-by-step process of referral-building and marketing! If you are looking for someone to not only show you the way, but also hold you accountable to implementation, this is your program!
This program includes:
A Personalized Practice Growth Evaluation One-on-One Weekly Coaching Calls that focus on:
- Establishing the top 5 referral techniques that bring you the best outcomes.
- Identifying and Implementing your top 10 internal and external marketing campaigns.
- Developing your "Critical 90" – the steps you will take in a patient’s first 90 days that turn them into a lifelong customer.
- Strategizing your marketing message to ensure you are marketing to your ideal patient in the right way, at the right time.
Weekly email courses that expand on all coaching concepts.
A 12-Month Personalized Production Calendar detailing your marketing campaigns with step-by-step instructions
Referral Partner Program – Effective marketing campaigns to MDs, PTs, Athletic Trainers, and Massage Therapists to cement your community referral partners.
A Maximum Referrals Manual made specifically for your practice containing the top 100 most effective referral-building ideas.
A Time Management Assessment and Personalized Schedule to ensure you are using your time to build profit.
As a bonus for Amplifying your practice, you will receive:
- Monthly Critique of Your External Marketing Materials
- Unlimited email access support from Dr. Shannon during the 6-month coaching period!
If your goal is lightning-speed, focused growth, you may want to spend the day with Dr. Shannon where mentoring is tailored to your individual practice needs. Together, you will map out your entire marketing and referral plan to quickly and effectively create growth momentum.
This program includes:
8 hours of private, dedicated mentoring
A Maximum Referrals Manual created personally for you
Follow-up 60-minute phone session 2 weeks after your VIP Day to answer your questions and ensure your continued success.
90-Day Special Speaker’s Program
Dr. Shannon has proven that speaking is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get yourself embedded in your community as the leading expert in your field and one of the most-effective ways to consistently grow your practice.
This program gives you a special opportunity to learn from one of the best! Dr. Shannon will help you develop your speaking topics and speaking style that allow you to turn audience members into paying patients.
In this program, you will discover :
- The Top 3 Topics that Convert Audience Members to Patients
- The Most Effective Ways to Line Up Speaking Engagements
- Easy Speaking Techniques that Establish You as The Expert
- Delivery that Converts Audience Members to Patients Without A Hard Sell
- How to Connect Instantly with Your Audience so You WOW Them Every Time
By the end of the 90-Day Speaker’s Program, you will have 3 Personalized speeches written and ready to knock your audience’s socks off!
Dr. Shannon’s Guarantee
"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. "Dr. SeussAs your mentor and your coach, getting to know you and your practice at a deep level is one of my main focuses. This allows me to promise you that all of the ideas, strategies, and tools used to grow your practice truly fit you and who you are.
Your reputation as a doctor and the image of your practice is of upmost concern. As your patient visit numbers are elevating, we want your reputation and image to skyrocket as well. With this goal always in mind, I can guarantee that the business plan we build will be effective, ethical, classy, and extraordinary – just like YOU!
No worries if you are not yet ready to take that step. You can get more acquainted with me and how I can help you move forward with my FREE 5-day coaching course